Jack is a former jeweler who made his living buying and selling diamonds via late-night TV ads. He lives in a rather luxurious, privately-owned retirement home along with his fellow residents…the visually challenged techno-wizard Rose, the artistically gifted but forgetful Flora, and the narcoleptic beauty Blanche. Unbeknownst to the four of them, however, the man to whom they’ve entrusted their life savings – a smooth-talking financial advisor named Barney Effward – has been arrested for bilking his clients out of their savings through a Ponzi scheme. Faced with financial ruin, the four suddenly find themselves confronting the author of their miserable fate when Effward is unexpectedly delivered among them – along with several million dollars in diamonds. Pandemonium ensues as the four retirees try to find a way to exact their revenge, recoup their losses, and keep the authorities from discovering their plans.
Rating: PG-13
Show Dates: May 29, 30, June 4, 5, 6 at 7:30 and May 31, June 7 at 2:00