302 Mt Mercy Drive, Pewee Valley
All auditions at 7:00 PM unless otherwise noted
Roles are open to all ethnicities
Auditions will be cold readings from provided sides.
Ken Ludwig's The Three Musketeers
By Ken Ludwig
Directed by Mike Price
Ages listed may have some flexibility.
An upbeat, high-energy show

This adaptation is based on the timeless swashbuckler by
Alexandre Dumas, a tale of heroism, treachery, close escapes,
and above all, honor. The story, set in 1625, begins with
D’Artagnan, who sets off for Paris in search of adventure
with Sabine, his mischievous younger sister. Sent with
D’Artagnan to attend a convent school in Paris, she poses as
a young man – D’Artagnan’s servant – and quickly becomes
entangled in her brother’s adventures. Soon after reaching
Paris, D’Artagnan encounters the greatest heroes of the day –
Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, the famous musketeers – and he
joins forces with his heroes to defend the honor of the Queen
of France.
Suitable for everyone.
September 27, 28, 29, October 3, 4, 5, 6
Callbacks will be on Sunday, July 7th 6-9pm.
It's a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Show
A stage adaptation of this holiday favorite by Joe Landry
Directed by Larry Chaney

This beloved American holiday classic comes to captivating
life as a live 1940’s radio broadcast. With the help of an
ensemble that brings a few dozen characters to the stage,
the story of idealistic George Bailey unfolds as he considers
ending his life one fateful Christmas Eve. Suitable for
December 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15
Auditions Sept 29 and 30
A visit from St. Nicholas or The Night Before Christmas
By Lowell Swortzell
Directed by Bailey Story

On Christmas Eve, 1822, Clement Clarke Moore’s house is not as quiet as a mouse—in fact, everyone is stirring. The three children await the arrival of St. Nicholas. Mother and Father arise thinking they hear intruders. Cousin Harriet enlists the children to copy the poem their father has just written for them, which she hopes to have published for all young people to enjoy. But Father, as a distinguished professor who fears being known as a poet for children, burns the poem so it can never leave the house. Heartbroken, the children unite to save the poem for posterity by improvising it through a riotous enactment. How they convince their father that his verses should be shared with children everywhere brings about the hilarious, happy ending.
Suitable for everyone.
Auditions October 7th and 8th
(Roles open to anyone 18 and older)
All My Sons
By Arthur Miller
Directed by Clint Gill

During the war Joe Keller and Steve Deever ran a machine
shop which made airplane parts. Deever was sent to prison
because the firm turned out defective parts, causing the
deaths of many men. Keller went free and made a lot of
money. The twin shadows of this catastrophe and the fact
that the young Keller son was reported missing during the
war dominate the action. The love affair of Chris Keller
and Ann Deever, the bitterness of George Deever returned
from the war to find his father in prison and his father’s
partner free, are all set in a structure of almost unbearable
power. The climax, showing the reaction of a son to his
guilty father, is a fitting conclusion to a play electrifying in
its intensity.
Suitable for everyone.
February 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16
Auditions December 9 and 10
The audition will consist primarily of cold readings from the script. A prepared monologue is encouraged, but not required.
A preliminary rehearsal schedule will be provided. Please, bring your calendar in order to check for conflicts.
The play is set in 1946.
Joe Keller – (male, about 60) Husband, father, and patriarch of the Keller family. The protagonist in All My Sons, he is onstage for most of the play. Joe is not highly educated, but he is a strong, self-made business leader, respected and popular among his neighbors and family, a personification of the postwar American Dream. He is driven by his single-minded desire to provide for his family.
Kate Keller/Mother – (female, 50 – 60) Wife of Joe and mother to Larry and Chris Keller. Her delusions about her dead son, Larry, lead to her anxiety, suspicions, and superstitions.
Chris Keller – (male, about 30) Joe and Kate’s son and Larry’s brother. A young combat veteran. He is the moral compass in the play, a young man whom Miller introduces as “capable of immense affection and loyalty.” Like a compass, Chris turns toward true north and integrity.
Ann Deever – (female, about 25) Steve Deever’s daughter, Larry’s former girlfriend, and Chris’s fiancée. Some consider Ann the truth-bearer in All My Sons, for her appearance at the Keller home precipitates all the action and revelation in the drama.
George Deever – (male, about 30) Ann’s brother and a childhood friend of Chris’s. George, served in the war, and as Kate observes, the war left him looking much older than he is. He is an attorney who works in New York City.
Dr. Jim Bayliss – (male, about 40) One of the Kellers’ neighbors. Jim longs to be a medical researcher rather than a practicing physician but feels constrained by both the postwar culture and his wife to make money in a more traditional way.
Sue Bayliss – (female, about 40) Jim’s wife and neighbor to the Kellers. Sue is concerned about status and appearances and is a bit of a neighborhood gossip. She is not afraid to tackle sensitive issues with Ann or Kate.
Frank Lubey – (male, about 33) Another neighbor to the Kellers. He was not drafted during the war because of his age.
Lydia Lubey – (female, about 27) Frank’s wife, a mother of three, and neighbor to the Kellers. Lydia is happily married and well-adjusted.
Bert – (male, about 8) An eight-year-old boy from the neighborhood who visits the Kellers’ home twice in the play. Bert plays a game with Joe in which he is a police officer who can lock up criminals in an imaginary jail in Joe’s basement.

Tower by the Thames
Original work and lyrics by Jack Wann
Music by Reggie Van Stockum
Directed by Jack Wann

There’s real magic in that Tower by the Thames! Meet
American Egyptologist Reggie Wilson and his spunky, newly
appointed London Museum curator daughter, Beth, as they
decide to join forces with a famous ancient Roman playwright,
newly arrived via the magic of the Tower. There, they round
up a zany and elusive comic villain, recently escaped from one
of the playwright’s long lost plays. The ‘imaginary’ and the
‘real’ combine in a goofy, but thought provoking story. The
outlandish characters and screwball chases, a blossoming
love interest, and an offbeat but earnest understanding of
what it really means to be free make Tower by the Thames
a mysteriously musical, mighty and magical evening.
Character Descriptions
REGGIE WILSON, an American scholar. Middle-aged. A loving, if
somewhat clumsy, father/scientist.
Traditional attitudes. Sings: Character Voice, but a
ELIZABETH WILSON (BETH), his daughter, a museum Curator, 20’s-
early thirties, attractive.
Sings: Solid Ingenue Broadway Belt and Legit Sound
TERENCE, a Roman playwright. Earnest and caring, seeking his
runaway creation. 20-40.
Sings: Broadway Leading Man, High Baritone/Tenor
CLODIUS, the runaway character. A broad Vaudevillian comic. Wants
to be a hero. 20-45.
Sings: Broadway belt/comic character sound
(The 4 characters above have the majority of the solo work in the show.)
PUNK 1, comic bad guy. Any age. Should move well. Sings a bit, character-style.
PUNK 2, comic bad gal. Any age. Should move well. Sings a bit, character-style.
These two are like a burlesque comedy duo. Slapstick.
The librarian is the comic stereotype of the “Shhh” lady all in
black with the hair in a bun and her umbrella ever-ready to swat
people who don’t obey her. As the Nanny, she falls into a kind of Mary
Poppins look and style. As Librarian Looks 60’s/70’s in overdone makeup. This IS a farce.
VOCIFEROUS (HEAD LIBRARY COP) (doubles as the Lord Mayor and
the Bartender) one half of a second comedy duo. Slapstick and good
movement skills. Good comic timing. Right out of Mack Sennett’s
Keystone Cops and Gilbert and Sullivan. As the Lord Mayor, pompous bureaucrat Bartender-typical amiable publican
NAUSEOUS (2 ND LIBRARY COP) (doubles as Rich Businessman, an
overbearing boor. Cop is other half of comic duo: comic skill and
timing Any age.
LADY CONSTABLE (doubles as Reporter and Pub Patron) a tough
lady police officer from ‘real’ London. As Pub Patron and Reporter a
typical ‘news hound’ looking for a story. Any age.
WAITRESS (doubles as Busker, Street Entertainer, Pub Patron) Any
As auditions go, may be cast as the lead dancer. Younger andgood movement skills.
NUN (doubles as Mime/Juggler and Pub Patron) no real mime skills
required, as it is a comic interpretation of a mime but comic timing
and good movement skills will help. May be a comic dancer. Any age.
ALL sing in the ensembles and ability to hold your own in a
chorus will help, although musical training is not called for.
AGES suggested are PLAYING AGES, what can you appear to be
Suitable for everyone.
April 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13
Auditions February 16 and 17
The Wild Women of Winedale
By Jones, Hope and Wooten
Directed by Jay Marie Padilla-Hayter

This touching comedy focuses on three women at
crossroads in their lives – two sisters, Fanny and Willa
Wild, of Winedale, Virginia, and their frustratingly quirky
sister-in-law Johnnie Faye. This feisty and fun-loving trio
has supported and cheered one another through life’s
highs and lows through the years, including the early
demise of two of their husbands. And they really need
each other now. With equal doses of hilarity and heart,
these extraordinary women come up with delightful and
surprisingly unorthodox ways to clear the clutter from
their lives, their homes and their relationships. Together
they prove it’s never too late to take another one of life’s
paths for a grand new adventure.
Suitable for everyone.
June 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15
Auditions April 6 and 7
LCP Youth Show
The Diary of Anne Frank
By Frances Goodrich & Albert Hackett
Directed by Michael Troy Shell

Anne Frank emerges from history a living, lyrical,
intensely gifted young girl, who confronts her
rapidly changing life and the increasing horror
of her time with astonishing honesty, wit, and
determination. A drama about the lives of eight
people hiding from the Nazis in a concealed
storage attic, The Diary Of Anne Frank captures
the claustrophobic realities of their daily
existence—their fear, their hope, their laughter,
their grief. Each day of these two dark years,
Anne’s voice shines through: “When I write
I shake off all my cares. But I want to achieve
more than that. I want to be useful and bring
enjoyment to all people, even those I’ve never
met. I want to go on living even after my death!”
Suitable for everyone.
August 1, 3, 8, 9, 10
Auditions June 8 and 9
Cast for Diary of Anne Frank
The Frank Family
Otto Frank – (55) Anne’s father, a kind, wise, and gentle man who becomes the leader of the group in hiding. He remains calm and rational even in difficult times.
Edith Frank – (44) Anne’s mother, who is reserved and proper. She struggles to connect with Anne, who feels closer to her father.
Margot Frank – (17) Anne’s older sister, who is quiet, studious, and obedient. She is often seen as the “perfect” daughter in contrast to Anne.
Anne Frank– (13) A lively, intelligent, and imaginative 13-year-old Jewish girl who keeps a diary while hiding from the Nazis. She is hopeful, curious, and grows in maturity throughout the play.
The Van Daan Family
Mr. Van Daan – (45) A businessman and an old friend of Otto Frank. He is intelligent but short-tempered and frequently argues, especially about food.
Mrs. Van Daan (37)– A vain and flirtatious woman who often reminisces about her past. She is critical of Anne and complains about their situation.
Peter Van Daan (15)– The teenage son of the Van Daans, who is shy, awkward, and prefers the company of his cat. Over time, he and Anne develop a close friendship and possible romance.
Others In Hiding
Albert Dussel – (60) A dentist who joins the group in hiding. He is meticulous, fussy, and sometimes clashes with Anne, whom he shares a room with.
Brave Friends
Miep Gies – (30) A kind and courageous Dutch woman who helps hide the Franks and Van Daans. She brings them food, supplies, and news from the outside world.
Mr. Kraler (43)– A Dutch businessman who works with Miep to support the people in hiding. He is serious and concerned about their safety.
Nazi Officers (3)– They appear at the end of the play when the group is discovered.